"Task" is the work assigned to the learners. There are different types of Task:
1. Assimilative
2. Information Handling
3. Adaptive
4. Communicative
5. Productive
6. Experential
"Resources" refers to the source of supply of aids or support that can be used to help the learners understand better or it can enhance the teaching of the tutor.
"Support" can come in the form of human or computer feedback to help the learners evaluate what they have absorbed.
Also we discussed on the topic of Affordance. Here are the 3 attributes:
1. Actionable properties
2. Perceived actionable properties
3. Perceived actionable properties and the degree of perceptible information
Why do people designing learning?
- to transfer the burden of learning onto the learners themselves i.e. they learn by themselves through facilitation instead of a tradtional teacher-to-student method.
- improvement on Instructional Design (the ADDIE model)
There are 2 contrasting views on curriculum:
1. Ptolemaic - the ideas revolve around the task and activities
2. Copernican - the task and activities revolves around the idea.
Also, on the topic of Instructional Design, we have 5 stages - Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation.

Design - design macro and micro strategies etc.
Development - develop graphics, animations, video, audio etc.
Implementation - prepare platform, trainers and learners etc.
Evaluation - evaluating the course and report.
Although Instructional Design (ID) is effective in also has its fair shortcomings, including rigidity of the structure and the length of time it takes to implement, expensive and inflexible and the integrity of the analysis hangs on the appropriateness of the methods used and their applications.
Very good!