Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week 2

Today we were introduced to various methods of E-Learning via websites and videos, as well as images. We were shown some videos on the concepts of Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Sociocultural.


Humans are either deterred (compelled) to carry out a certain action by the use of punishment (reards). Behaviourism kicks in when the treatment we received, as a result of executing the action, affects us in a positive or negative ways. It falls on the basis of selfish human nature to attain personal goals or satisfaction.


Humans are constantly trying to make sense of the world they are living in; trying to rationalize their every actions and finding a purpose for each of them. It falls on the basis that humans are by nature, curious people and always seeking to discover new things. They have an intrinsic motivation to learn/know.


This concept focuses on the person as being part of a collective system, rather than being individualist. Learning takes place when people interact with one another or with the system with which they are connected to/with. The cohesiveness of the system depends on the individuals themselves. Humans are placed within a certain system and function to the best of their personal skill or knowledge set, thus, developing their personal set of view points/opinions.


I have read Mathilda, Jacintha Sim and Sim Zhi An's blog for the second week.
I commented on Mathilda's blog.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Week 1

I did not attend lecture for this week due to a bad headache the day before. However, I did some read up on the lecture reading and the notes.

The lecture slides provided some insights on the discussion and definition of what e-Learning is all about. It takes on the fundamental form of learning through the usage of, but not only limited to electronic technology. E-learning can be represented in various forms, through different mediums, with examples like E-books, digital video, virtual learning, games and html etc.

According to the reading of Rosenberg, The e-Learning Revolution, the traditional classsroom-style, teacher-to-students teaching method is swiftly being replaced by e-learning as science and technology advances throughout the decades. It brings us back on a history journey to discover how learning/teaching methods have evolved over the years and flashes images of what used to be defined as conventional; now has been superseded by the technology that we have become so enslaved to.

As for the other 2 readings, I have yet to finish them.